
Google Releases New Guide on Connecting Google Ads With Google Analytics

Analytics junkies are going to love this…

Google has now made it possible to link your Google Ads and Google Analytics accounts, which will make it that much easier to improve your ad performance.

Google released a statement expressing what we’ve all been feeling; that linking both Google Ads and Google Analytics accounts is increasingly more critical.

In 2019, traditional marketing funnels are becoming a thing of the past. There’s no such thing as a “standard sales path” anymore. Current customer journeys could look like anything from a pyramid to an hourglass. And as per a study performed by Google and Verto Analytics, no two customers’ journeys look the same.

Google studied over one thousand consumer purchase journeys and found that each one was entirely different!

Are you surprised?

(We aren’t.)

Obviously, this makes it more challenging to reach customers at the ideal time in the buying process because that time is different for every person.

To help solve this problem, Google has now published a new guide which details how linking data from Google Ads with Google Analytics can help provide more customer insights.

The guide said that integrating Google Analytics with Google Ads helps paint a clearer picture of how your ads lead to conversions, and it will help you rapidly adjust creative and bidding accordingly. What’s more, you can use both these Google products together to understand your most valuable customer segments and then use custom messaging to engage these customers better.

Google also uses the guide to explain how you can leverage your Analytics data to form your ad targeting around post-click engagement. This will help marketers, and business owners reach those high-value customers who abandon their carts (those who’ve added at least five products to their shopping cart but did not go through with a purchase) and maximize ad response based on location, device, browser, and page depth insights, among other key data points.

The guide also details how you can create audiences in Analytics to share with Google Ads, as well as how to Import your Google Analytics Goals into your ads flow. Google has also improved reporting options based on increased data insights.

So if you’re using Google Ads or thinking about using it, the guide offers some intriguing things to think about including the new options for improved data tracking. You can never have too much data, and since you can already track so many different actions, it’s logical to tap into them to optimize the way your ads perform.

To download the full “Linking analytics and ads: The solution to today’s marketing challenges” guide click here.

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