Marketing Industry Gets a Shake Up with new Results-Driven Social Media Agency, Barker Social.
Toronto, Ontario – August 18th, 2016 – Measurable results and a money back guarantee turn the traditional marketing industry on its head with the launch of Toronto’s new social marketing agency, Barker Social.
The Toronto-based social marketing agency touts more effective, less expensive social media campaigns and the firm is ready to put its money where its mouth is. Specializing in full-cycle marketing campaigns that include brand messaging, creation of custom visuals, active engagement with followers, and Pay-Per-Click advertising, Barker Social is offering a money back guarantee on the first month of every campaign. If you’re not happy with the work or with the results of the campaign, Barker will issue a full refund effective from the day of the campaign launch.
This money back guarantee is unprecedented in the traditional marketing world. “We feel confident about the work that we do and we’re ready to stand behind it,” said Chachi Geraldes, Managing Partner, Operations. “If we can’t give a customer the results that they want, it’s not satisfying for us either. We’d rather give them their money back so that they walk away happy.”
In today’s changing consumer market, social media users prefer to connect with brands on social networks. “Social media marketing is cost-effective, and it flat out works,” said Mandi Gould, Managing Partner, Creative. “We want to provide a transparent service without any of the usual smoke and mirrors. Clients shouldn’t have to guess about the results–they should be able to see a real return on their investment. We show the numbers to back up the work that we do.”
The social marketing agency is part of a growing trend towards results-based advertising, focusing on the measurable analytics that online marketing provides. “You can get better results for less money,” said Chachi. “People are more likely to seek out a specific product or service after seeing it on social media. With the online analytics, the proof is in the pudding.”
For more information, visit:
10-378 Markham St
Toronto On
416 479 4418
855 8 BARKER