
Why Your Business Can Benefit from SEO Blogs

Written by Belicia Chevolleau

Have you heard a lot of fuss around blogging and wondered if your business can truly benefit from SEO blogs?

Blog posts are weaved into your everyday Google searches. As a business owner, you recognize the importance of getting enough eyeballs on your website. The more traffic your website gets, the more potential for leads, conversions, and sales. Through a solid SEO strategy, businesses can climb the coveted ranks of search engines. And one of the best ways to improve your ranking is by creating valuable website content like SEO blogs.

If done correctly, SEO blogging can increase visibility for your business, but that isn’t the only reason your business should incorporate SEO blogs. Here are four reasons your business should hop on the SEO blog train now.

1. Drive Traffic to Your Website

What is the primary use of search engines? The answer is in the name: to search. We turn to search engines to solve a query, answer a question, or find something. When website content revolves around questions or queries that real users are searching for, Google pushes users towards that content. By using the right keywords and tags—the same keywords and tags that people might be searching for—Google will drive more users to flock to your website.

Simply put, blogging boosts SEO by “positioning your website as a relevant answer to your customers’ questions”.

And once you’ve got them on your website, it’s up to you to keep them there.

2. SEO Blogs Last Longer Than Social Media

Social media posts have a short lifespan. Stories last 24 hours and feed posts are only valid for a few days, depending on the platform. Even when social media posts blow up, they fizzle out after a while, making room for the next viral tweet, post, or video.

Unlike social media posts, SEO blogs may generate little traffic the moment they’re posted, but once the post has been indexed by Google, it can be like a gift that keeps on giving for your business. A well optimized blog post has the ability to attract consistent views over a long period of time.

SEO blogs are a form of evergreen content—content that remains relevant even after many years pass. Since they don’t disappear like social media posts, there are opportunities for continued growth over time. Once your SEO blog is up, you keep benefitting from it.

Evergreen content is content that will always be relevant. When you create a blog post that answers a question that consumers continually have and search for in Google, the likelihood of continual readership and views increases as time goes by.

Although not always the case, there have even been instances where blogs posted years ago suddenly blow up. A small viewership at the point of publication is no indication of where it will be years to come.

3. SEO Blogs Build Brand Trust

Businesses create blogs for different purposes such as recaps, updates, or promotions, but anything time sensitive like a sale with a specific date attached to it, are not actually evergreen. They could still help your search engine rankings, but these are different from true SEO blogs, which are designed with your search engine traffic in mind.

SEO blogs offer value through education and entertainment by taking advantage of the key questions and word strings that users are searching for. These SEO blogs can gently help educate customers on your business mission, services, and products by answering their questions and illustrating your expertise.

The goal of SEO blogs isn’t necessarily to sell things to the readers, but to provide education on a specific topic. As your business continually writes about a niche topic relevant to your industry, you can establish yourself as an authority on the subject matter, which helps the reader to trust your brand.

SEO Blogging creates a relationship with your reader. As you establish yourself as an authority, you build brand trust. With trust, it is easier to soft sell—sell without selling.

Remember, you are the expert in your field. Blogs act as evidence of your authority. The more content you amass in your arsenal, the more reasons your clients have to trust you. And the more reason that Google has to drive potential customers to your website.

As your blogs appear in searches again and again, Google will begin to regard your website as a trustworthy resource, and so will customers. Once you start leveraging SEO blogs and the association begins, then you’ll start to establish yourself top of mind for your target customers.

Keep in mind that SEO blogs aren’t sales pitches. Hard sales pitches don’t appeal to people. SEO blogs can be a bit of a long game, and trying to gain sales through blogs should not be the first reason to start one. So how can you use SEO blogging to grow your business?

4. Increase your Google Ranking

Consider that seventy-five percent of users never look past the first page of search engine results. That means that if you aren’t on the search first page, you’re losing business. Google ranking is everything!

The more target customers that can find you, the more likely they will buy from you. A high google ranking tells customers that your website is legitimate and high-quality.

Google’s algorithm is the ultimate judge when it comes to your search engine ranking. They filter through your content to boost the content that is most relevant to people’s search queries. The goal is to rank high. The higher you rank, the increased likelihood of your customer clicking on your website. That’s one of the primary reasons why businesses benefit greatly from SEO blogging.

Website traffic grants you the opportunity to convert users into customers. If your target customers cannot find you, how will they buy from you?

Make SEO Blogs Part of Your Marketing Strategy

Keep in mind that increasing your Google ranking requires quality writing and SEO best practices to make it to the top. That’s why engaging an experienced writing team like we have here at Barker Social can be so advantageous for your business. SEO blogging is a bit of a long game, but it yields great rewards. Contact us today to discuss how we can help make SEO blogs part of your marketing strategy to drive more traffic to your website and, over time, convert more browsers into buyers.

Thank you Belicia Chevolleau for writing this blog post!

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